Friday, April 9, 2010

A Brother's Indiscretion

Something happened a week ago today that may change the dynamic of my husband's family from here on.

For anyone reading this (especially those would be offended), please be advised that I blog as a therapy. I have been very careful in my selection of words and have left out the true names of those involved.

As many of you know, Richie and I own a food service business that has several different locations, kind of like LifeChurch ;). Richie also has a brother that has been in and out of trouble for as long Richie and I have been married. For confidentiality, let's say this brother's name is "Alex." So Alex has an addictive personality and has been arrest multiple times for drug possession, usage, and driving under the influence. He has also overdosed at least once to my knowledge and wound up in the emergency room. Alex has a VERY difficult time with gainful employment due to showing up late and, in most cases, not showing up at all. One could only attribute this to the lifestyle he lives. Even Richie has hired and fired him multiple times due to his inconsistent work ethic.

Back in November I believe, Alex met a woman named "Liz." I was introduced to Liz when Alex brought her over to my home. I remember distinctly pulling her asside and pleading with her to not fall into Alex's lifestyle. I begged, "Liz, don't let Alex pull you down to his level. Be strong and be the example he needs." She responded, "Oh, there is no way that will happen. I have a son; I have too much to lose."

Through the month of December, I noticed that everytime Alex brought Liz around, she was nodding off during conversations and interactions. I knew...but I didn't want to admit it to myself.

They were both arrested at the beginning of February with possession and under the influence of hydrocodone.

Clearly needing help, Alex and Liz have moved in with Richie's mother and step-father, which we were not opposed to. Alex has gotten a job at a restaurant. Richie and I were both under the impression that they were both improving. Then they showed up at my son's 7th birthday party. Again, Liz was nodding off in the midst of the party and couldn't hold a conversation to save her life. She wished my nephew a happy birthday, clearly too high to tell one from the other. My heart sunk.

To this, Richie contacted his mother to advise her of their current state. Our thinking was if Alex and Liz were living with us, we would want to know if the drugs had begun to take over again. We would not to be oblivious. However, Richie's mother defended them both and was adement that they were clean. Saddened, Richie threw up his hands.

Then, last Friday, there was money missing from our register and the John Conrad Golf Course. Richie's nephew, "Scott," manages this facility for us and reported the missing money. The next morning, in shock and horror, both Richie and Scott reviewed the tapes with revealed Liz nearly emptying the register. It was only days later that, upon further review of the footage, Alex was also collecting more cash only five minutes after Liz.

This weekend has been one of anger, resentment, hurt, disappointment, and saddness. When confronted immediately after the the incident, Liz claimed she had been in the register "paying for hot dogs." Scott had given them free hot dogs that were going to be thrown out at the end of the night. Not to mention, the video shows Liz clearly pulling money out a total of 5 times and never once putting money in. After the denial, the attack began. Richie received multiple threatening text messages and I received a very hurtful email from his brother. Finally came the admissions. The first excuse, in a desperate attempt to protect his girlfriend, was that Alex had told Liz that Richie was loaning them $60 and to go ahead and grab it from the register and that "she had no idea she had done anything wrong. Unfortunately, this excuse fell flat at the video shows both of them completely emptying the draw. The next excuse came in a last resort. They had both grown desperate and had not further explaination for themselves. They admitted to taking around $150 (which the video clearly shows them taking more than that) and that this was not the first time that they had helped themselves to our money.

Richie's heart is broken. But not because his younger brother stole from him. He is heartbroken because his mother and step-father have turned their back toward the entire family for taking our side. His mother will not speak to him, nor any of the other family members, due to the fact that we are pressing charges. He had no idea that doing the right thing would ultimately lead to his mother disowning him.

From here, we move forward, regardless of his mother's decisions. We press on knowing not only have we have done right by our family, our business, and by the law we all adhere to, but we also have done right by "Alex" and "Liz." We know, regardless of the opinion of Richie's mother and step-father, these two need serious help. I only hope they get it before it is too late.

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