Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Mother's Instinct

Tegan's MRI was scheduled for yesterday. The plan was to wake up around 7:30 or so, give Tegan his last feeding at 8 per the doctor's request, allow him to drink 4 ounces of pedialyte between the hours of 8 and 10, and arrive at OU Children's at 11:30, an hour before our appointment. So our morning began on schedule when I woke up at 7:30 and fed Tegan at 8. But something felt different, wrong even. As I set in his room, rocking and feeding him, I felt God telling me that this was all unnecessary. I heard him say, "He's perfect, I made him perfect." At that moment, I knew exactly what I was supposed to do. After I shed a few tears and consulting with my husband, I promptly called OU Children's and cancelled the appointment. I have decided that I will not put my child through more than he needs to. I have decided that I will not look for something that clearly is not there. He has no signs of Sturge-Weber. No seizures, no developmental delays, nothing. So I will not subject him to tests that are just not needed.

All that being said, Tegan is nearly 4 months old (a little over 17 weeks) and is already wearing 6-9 month clothing. This really puts us in a bind in the clothing department as nearly all of his 6-9 month clothes are made for the fall. Haha! I don't know exactly how much he weighs, but he has a well-child check next Tuesday, so we'll find out next week.

Payton's toe is healing. He doesn't seem to notice the stitches anymore, but on occasion will ask, "When do I get my stitches out?" I think he's going stir-crazy because he's not able to swim with them. Thankfully it's been cool enough the past couple of days to go to Frontier City as opposed to White Water. I also just found out that he starts school in the 13th of August, a full week before Mustang public schools start.

We celebrated the 4th of July on the 3rd because Richie wound up working all day on the 4th. We invited a ton of people out, but only a few came. I must say it's a little heartbreaking when plan a party, spend money on food, get your hopes up, and a hand full of people show. In fact, if it weren't for Richie's family, no one would have been here. Oh well, we still had fun.

Billy, Chester, and Richie

Patriotic Tegan enjoying the fireworks display (for a short amount of time).

Payton loves Independence Day!

Our family

Business is going pretty well. Two weeks ago we opened a new location at a the John Conrad Golf Course in Midwest City. We serve breakfast, sandwiches, burgers, etc... It's a little different than what we're used to, but it's working out pretty well for us so far.

Until next time, thanks for reading!

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