Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Rite of Passage

Payton got his first set of stitches last night! He was climbing on the bed of a friend's dad's truck and cut the bottom of his big toe. I have never seen so much blood! As soon as we got the bleeding under control, we paid the E.R. a visit where he received 4 stitches. And it would be like me if I didn't take pictures to document the whole ordeal!

Payton and the Doctor examining the war wound

Daddy doing the hand-holding

Stitches in process

Just a small amount of blood shed

The final result

In other news, P90X is not going as well as we would have hoped. Because Richie opened a new location at a golf course, our schedule has gotten all messed up. We attempted to restart the program on Monday and Richie promptly pulled a muscle in his neck. So I am continuing to workout while Richie heals and hopefully next Monday we will begin again together.

Also, the fenugreek I have been taking to help with my lactation actually WORKS! So, to all you moms who breastfeed or future moms who hope to breastfeed, keep in mind that fenugreek is a God send!

Tegan is coming up on 4 months and is getting so big, I can hardly carry him in his carrier car seat anymore. Next Monday is his MRI and the following day is his neurology appointment. I am excited to have these appointments done and over with. The MRI should be our last appointment that deals with his brain. If the scan shows no vascular malformations, we'll know that he doesn't have Sturge-Weber! There is not a doubt in my mind that the MRI will come back completely normal.

Well, I should probably go do something constructive considering my little one is sound asleep.

Until next time,


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