Friday, August 7, 2009

Ist Full Pulsed-dye Laser Treatment

After two previous trips to Little Rock (one consultation and one trial laser treatment), we finally made a trip for the "real deal." Tegan received his first full laser treatment! We left Wednesday and returned Thursday morning, promptly after his procedure.

His appointment was scheduled for 8:30 am, but we were to check in 2 hours prior. We arrived, checked in, and were almost immediately taken to our room. They had us change Tegan into the cutest hospital outfit: yellow scrub-type pants and a shirt to match with the Arkansas Children's Hospital logo on both. After waiting an hour or so and after talking to several nurses, the anesthesiologist, and Dr. Kincannon, it was go time. They let us walk with him until we got the surgery doors, we kissed him, and went to the lobby to wait. After only 10 short minutes, they called us back to the recovery area. Waking up from anesthisia was not Tegan's cup of tea. He was pretty irritable for a short while, but cheered up quickly when the surgery tech gave him apple juice (which he's never had before). At 9:45, we were free to go!

I cannot say enough good things about the Arkansas Children's Hospital! Every single person you encounter there, from the janitors to the surgeons, all have a heart for kids. All the nurses entered our room explained the procedure in depth. The anesthesiologist was very thorough and put our minds at ease. And of course, Dr. Kincannon was wonderful as always. After the procedure was finished, he came to the lobby to speak to us and let us know how everything went. He said, "If you have any questions, have them page me." And wouldn't you know it...I had a question while sitting in the recovery area with Tegan. So I had him paged. Then I got worried that he might be a little perturbed that I interupted him (you know how some doctors can be). But he came back, answered all my questions without a hint irritation, and hugged me before he left! Anyhow, I just really think a lot of this facility and only wish it were closer. I would take Tegan there for all of his appointments if it was.

Here are some pictures of our trip:

This little saying really touched me and I had to get a picture of it.

In our hospital room getting all his vitals taken.

His blood pressure cuff.

With the momma

Such a happy baby (obviously pre-procedure)!

Waking up from anesthesia and not happy about it!

A little apple juice and a paci can fix just about anything.

Those blue eyes get me every time.

All is well at the Bean Household. We're gearing up for Payton's new school year. We're so excited about the experience he'll have at Southwest Covenant! God reminds us and reassures us every day that this was the right decision. Speaking of Payton, he lost ANOTHER tooth last night! He's gonna wind up breaking the tooth fairy's bank!
Well, until next time.

1 comment:

Gina said...

He's beautiful! I'm so glad your journey has been eased by a caring team of nurses and doctors!