Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School and a High Chair

It's been a while and I do apologize. Life can get so busy between my school, Payton's school, Payton's baseball, family, and business. So here are some updates...

Payton started school last week. Southwest Covenant is such an amazing school and I'm so excited that it's where he's attending. His teacher is so sweet and seems so patient and loving with the kids. Everyday he has something fun and interesting to tell me about his day at school. Last Friday they had chapel and he came home and said, "We had church today at school. We learned about God and Jesus." What an amazing feeling to know that they are teaching him biblical values, something he would not be getting in public school.

Here he is with his lunch box and super cool nap mat ready for his first day of school.

Tegan is GROWING! He is nearly 6 months and is now eating fruits and vegetables. I finally purchased a high chair. Before this, I was sitting him in his Bumbo chair on the floor of my living room. Not too conducive for the cleanliness of my carpet or the health of my back!

Here he is in his new high chair, anxiously awaiting his food.

He has also been sitting up independently. Here are some shots of him sitting up like a big boy!

They grow so fast. It is such a cliched saying, but sooo true.

Well, I'm off to work on a research paper. Only 5 more weeks of school and I'll be done!


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